Why choose “VANUATU GOLD” as my heading?

Simple – I have been living in VANUATU for over 7 years and I am a firm believer in the merits of investing in GOLD!

VANUATU is a treasure in itself. “Yes!” – of course it has its own frustrating elements about it. It takes time to get anything done here (just ask anyone who is building a home here or has to have any dealings with the Lands Dept.) and as for the shopping – bloody expensive (due to the cost of imports) and a very limited range of goods available. On the upside, however, is the lack of restrictive Rules & Regulations, no traffic lights (you gotta love that!), NO INCOME TAX, wonderful people with a strong attachment to their traditional culture and great weather.

GOLD is the one element on this planet that is virtually indestructible! Every culture throughout history has revered it. Governments print “money” without apparent fear or favour (look at the US at present) and have their economic policies based on false premises. HOWEVER, those economies/currencies which are backed by strong GOLD reserves are those that will ultimately do well/better during times of financial crisis or what may be coming and that is – a financial holocaust. Which currencies would I invest in right now? Easy – the Swiss Franc and the Yuan. The $US is an absolute basket case. The US government’s bail-out policy (and those of follower nations such as the Eurozone and Australia) of ‘rescuing’ private commercial enterprises such as the banks, finance companies, car manufacturers and the like is DOOMED to failure. It is at best a band-aid solution to a situation that requires major surgery without anaesthetic. If we don’t bear the pain now, it will become a financial near-“life and death” situation sooner than most people realize. Watch out in in late 2012 as I believe that’s when it will “hit the fan”! Soooo – consider your GOLD position before then.

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